Man rebuilding a roof

AmeriCorps Louisiana

No matter what you're passionate about, where you're from, or why you choose to serve, AmeriCorps Louisiana has something for you.

2023 AmeriCorps Louisiana Impact

Hands Icon
volunteers recruited and managed
Students icon
K-12 students served
Veteran Icon
Veterans & their Families Served
Tree icon
Acres of Louisiana parks/lands improved
MLK day of Service

MLK Day of Service

Every year, our AmeriCorps Programs gather together and invite their communities to serve on MLK Day.

9/11 Volunteer days of service

9/11 Day of Service

9/11 Day is an important National Day of Service and Remembrance every year for Volunteer Louisiana and National Service organizations. Honor and commemorate the sacrifices made that day by remembering the heroes, armed forces, first responders, and countless others' acts of service to defend our nation's freedom.