Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteer Louisiana’s volunteer management system helps connect Louisiana volunteers to service opportunities in their community. Use the search filters for distance, impact area, age-range, or skills needed, to find opportunities you care about. Users can also search for AmeriCorps or Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) opportunities.
Search for Volunteer Opportunities
Resources for Organizations
Organizations across the state are encouraged to share their volunteer opportunities through Volunteer Louisiana’s free volunteer management system. Built on the Galaxy Digital platform, this statewide system provides robust tools for volunteer administrators to promote service opportunities and manage volunteers. Volunteer Louisiana also provides free services for recognizing outstanding volunteers.
Submit Volunteer Opportunities
Resources for Disaster Volunteer Organizations
For every dollar FEMA spends on public assistance, the state is required to contribute a non-federal cost share. This can cost state and local governments tens of millions of tax dollars in times of disaster. However, the value of volunteer hours and donated goods can be applied as a non-federal cost share, thereby saving state and local tax dollars. The value of volunteer hours and donated goods must be properly documented to qualify. Please visit the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness resource pages for detailed information.